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Two penniless young Parisian women are determined to make their way in the narrow French society of the 1930s. Madeleine, an untalented actress, is accused of the murder of a famous film producer. Her roommate Pauline, a lawyer with no clients, takes on her defense in a high-profile trial. A new life of fame and success begins, until the truth comes out…

Fançois Ozon’s screwball comedy is bubbling with a delectable vintage Hollywood feel, combining slapstick humor and lively dialogue. And behind all the laughter, Ozon discreetly and skillfully reveals a feminist manifesto that hits the nail on the head, pointing out the condition of women, misogyny, patriarchy and the problems of justice.

Title: Mon crime
Director: François Ozon
Country: France
Language: French
Running time: 102 min
Genre: Comedy
Year: 2023

A sly slice of feminist triumph
— Screen Daily
Well shot, controlled, as light as it is serious. Hats off to Mr. Ozon!
— Figaro