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Io Capitano (EN)


A migrant story of epic proportions, Io Capitano tells the tale of two young men who leave Dakar for Europe. It is a contemporary Odyssey through the dangers of the desert, the horrors of the detention centers in Libya, and the perils of the sea. Director Matteo Garrone describes the film as a reverse shot to the images we are used to in the west; firmly rooted in the experiences of the displaced and less fortunate.

Io Capitano premiered at the Venice Film Festival, where Garrone won the Silver Lion for best director and newcomer Seydou Sarr was awarded the Marcello Mastroianni Award for his performance. It next screened at San Sebastian where it won the audience award for best European film. The film has been lauded for its spiritual and riveting storytelling, strong performances, and striking cinematography. Since its successful premiere, Io Capitano has already accumulated $2.5 million at the Italian box office, and has been selected as Italy’s foreign language Oscar contender.

Title: Io Capitano
Director: Matteo Garrone
Country: Italy, Belgium
Language: Wolof, French
Running time: 121 min
Genre: Drama
Year: 2023

It’s hard not to be caught up in the film’s grand, honestly felt emotional sweep.
— Variety
A devastatingly realized human soul at its core.
— IndieWire