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Loving Highsmith (EN)

loving highsmith

The film’s narrative is based on the unpublished diaries of bestselling novelist Patricia Highsmith. Focusing on her quest for identity and her troubled love life, Loving Highsmith sheds new light on her writing. Family, friends, her own voice and beautifully interwoven archive material draw a vivid portrait of one of the most prolific female authors to date. Highsmith wrote over 22 novels, many were adapted to the big screen, best known are Strangers on a Train, The Talented Mr. Ripley and Carol, a partly autobiographic novel which was the first lesbian story with a happy end in 1950s America.

Directed by acclaimed director and screenwriter Eva Vitija and produced by the Zurich based production company Ensemble Film, Loving Highsmith world premiered at Solothurn Film Festival

Title: Loving Highsmith
Director: Eva Vitija
Country: Switzerland
Language: English, French, German
Running time: 83 min
Genre: Documentary
Year: 2022
Featuring: Patricia Highsmith, Marjane Meaker, Monique Buffet
Swedish premiere: 2022

Eva Vitija’s documentary is a deeply moving work
— Cineuropa
It isn‘t a simple declaration of love – it‘s above all a homage to a self-determined life.
— Indiekino Deutschland